Oh my goodness. Thank you for sharing this. I find myself riding along in the this boat. Unless I have an assignment or deadline I seem to have the stall virus as well. All the things that freitter away the hours, so well said. The self deprivation that follows. Why cant we just ignore everything else and just write? My husband tells me its okay if I dont tend the garden, cook the dinner, clean the house. Why don't I believe him and just write? Why do I think I have to go to a secluded mountion top to write? Okay, well, all I can say is how much I appreciate this sacred space, to think, analyze, ask questions, learn, and ponder.

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023Liked by Jennifer Lauck

Kristi, I literally live on a secluded mountain top and I still procrastinate. 🤣 I think writing might just be *that* painfully hard.

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Ha ha! Very good, Skylark.

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Ha Ha! Love this, thanks for the dose of reality Skylark!

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Jennifer Lauck

Thank you for sharing this. I haven’t written much either as life has gotten in the way of my creative-alone time. I’ve sat down a few times, laid my fingers on the keyboard and nothing came, so I left, cleaned my house, took dog for a walk, made dinner, etc. Until last night, I woke at 2:am and a story that I started a few years ago, filed away, forgot about, popped into my head. All of the sudden the entire plot line presented itself, and first thing this morning I outlined it. I still don’t have time, not until the kids go back to school. Still have to start my second draft on my first novel. They both, I guess will wait until I make the time, guilt free to write.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Jennifer Lauck

Thank you for this! This post came exactly when I needed it. I have a new job and have had nonstop visitors all month. I keep trying to push through and write each day but there are times I just *can't.* My brain needs a break. Plus I am at one of those sticky points you mentioned. Oi!

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Skylark, you made my day with that comment and I am still laughing everytime I think about it!

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