Mar 24Liked by Jennifer Lauck

I've scoured the posts trying to make sure it's not my error but I don't see chapter 4, The Knitting Garden, just a mention of it somewhere that's how I know the title.

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Mar 24Liked by Jennifer Lauck

Interesting structure experiment that happened accidentally or serendipitously :)

Since I read this first and then started at your beginning, my brain categorized it as a prologue of sorts. The table set with the implication of the car incident and then we lean what happened.

Reminds me to wrote the scenes and then experiment with where and how I start.

Thanks Jennifer :)

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So far captivated by the story and these characters and admiring the economy of your writing--nothing wasted and yet it's vivid, active, moves me along. The pacing. The backstory you dropped in, just enough. And that wonderful dialogue. This is how real people talk. I'm taking notes:-)

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Commenting on The Scream. This is my favorite chapter so far. Jennifer's walk through the street people comes with an honesty from the heart. I love the way it throws her into her own homeless time. Very touching. I feel like I'm in the restaurant, the cacophony and food and love from Belle. The surprise at the end that Rick is willing to go to therapy throws a new slant on his persona. I expected resistance.

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