
Your turn 🎤 :

How many drafts you’ve written so far and to what effect? What are you learning in your own process? What can you offer your fellow memoir writers? Write a comment!

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I've nearly completed my first draft though have to admit I have gone back and edited much of it at least once. While working full time there were spaces of not writing at all, and other times I found myself doing more research than writing. Since I retired I have a pretty steady routine and write most afternoons. I am anxious to complete the first draft, take a short break, and begin the second draft/rewrite/edit ... For other memoir writers I encourage sticking with the writing and not be tempted to go back and edit/rewrite until you complete your first draft entirely ... though I know first hand how tempting that is.

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I feel I have been doing exactly what King is saying in his "writing three essays". I wanted to write about my relationship and I did start but then I strayed far away from it, writing about parents, family events, trips, etc. I am finally getting back to the beginning; slowing everything down and really digging into the tough stuff. When SII returns in the Fall, I hope all I have learned is apparent. Thank you Jennifer.

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