
Your Turn:

Have you read Jane Eyre? When? What did you think of it at the time? Please post here...

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Ooooh this is amazing! Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books of all time, and I love the structural anaylsis you've done here. Helpful for all kinds of writing!

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Bravo! My exact hope. Thank you for the share.

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Enjoy your time in Paris, Jennifer! The writing retreat sounds wonderful, location and focus both. My younger daughter lives in Paris and I will be there in August. Thanks for this look at Jane Eyre, a beloved book that you've prompted me to re-read with my writer's eyes.

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OH!!!! I’m so so excited to watch you teaching. I am a MAJOR fan of Jane Eyre and super psyched to see how the plot was constructed. I find it so fascinating that so many of our beloved writers intuitively knew (and know) how to plot a book without training or teaching or “Save the Cat” books. Thank you for this!

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Can't wait to hear what you think.

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