
Your Turn:

Finish this sentence: What I took away from this conversation is…(fill in the blank).

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Thanks Sara, we’re in a rugged spot in publishing to be sure but hold steady, make great art. We reach those we need to reach.

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May 20Liked by Jennifer Lauck

Ach-- just wrote a comment and it disappeared :-( It was a joy listening to the two of you, women I respect, who have both been through incredibly difficult times, and come through the other side and write with honesty and observation, not blaming or staying stuck in victim mode. I love listening to the two of you talk about craft and pushing the genre forward. I haven't read Pathological, I will do so now. And Sarah, you will not be disappointed if you take a class from Jennifer. Every class is a masterclass for those who want to learn.

The one thing I didn't like is Sarah saying essays don't sell. Phooey!!!! That's my best form of writing. Oh well, it's a good thing I just want to write and selling something would just be icing on the cake.

I hope this was Act One and more will follow.

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May 19Liked by Jennifer Lauck

What I took away from this conversation is hope to consider getting back to writing with instructor Jennifer Lauck. Additionally, I I was encouraged to look at mental health as a topic based on Fry's relatable story that brought her to the topic and the overall project!

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A double wammy. Thanks for the share.

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May 18·edited May 18Liked by Jennifer Lauck

What I hear is that there are many ways to write memoir. My attempt was recently compared to W.G. Sebald’s “Austerlitz” in its structure because I use a lot of images and much is despairing. But after reading a few examples of the kind of memoir I was writing (a DNA surprise) I wanted more of a story arc which I found lacking in others because so much is about names and dates in the story. Fascinating to hear two great writers give their perspectives. Thanks!

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Exactly…writing is in many ways vision+research+example+execution (and this is the part that often takes years). Then rinse and repeat. No matter, there are as many elements to a book and its completion as words on the page. 🤓

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