Exceptional, straightforward, bad a&$ writing & teaching!


Flight School with Jennifer Lauck is a safe place for you, the passionate and devoted writer of all levels to discuss, create, and think about the promises and perils of creative writing.

Honest, soul-searching, and often surprisingly intimate posts from my retreat in a remote fishing village where I grow my own food, purify my own water, make my own bread, all while asking big questions about life, God, and purpose.

I post exclusive Writing Lab posts and prompts, Open Mic 🎤 posts to create community sharing, and Behind the Scenes glimpses into process and life.

Writing is lonely business, especially when in search of human truth. We need a community we can lean into. We need fellows we can trust. We need examples.
You get all that and more here.

For free, you’ll receive:

  • The Open Mic 🎤posts inviting the community to share, like this one on writer’s block, real or imagined?

  • Behind the Scenes posts that give an insider view into my own process and life like this one on a stalker on my land that turned into a teaching on the antagonistic force

  • Comments on work you share as part of the Open Mic, which you can see in this post where I help a writer deal with her struggle with anxiety, and this post where I help a writer get out of his head and into his scene.

  • Some access to the archives.

Bonus when you become a paid subscriber:

  • You make my work possible. Paying means that you support independent writers.

  • Full access to in-depth teachings on scene and exposition, video teachings with brave subscribers who share their work like this Zoom teaching on a Canadian writer’s new memoir.

  • Access to the story of my own journey to publication with my first memoir, Blackbird, meeting Oprah, and the inside scoop on the publishing business, then and now.

  • Direct teachings on work shared in the comments.

  • Discounts on foundation classes, summer retreats, and consults with Jennifer

  • Free entry to live online Zoom meetings and chats.  

  • BONUS: If you become a Founding Member, you get all the same benefits as paid plus a signed copy of any of my four books.

Why subscribe?

Flight School grows your confidence in you craft. This is a school where you will feel a little less alone, too. Here, you discover that being a true writer means being in a life-long process where working at your craft is what matters most.

One of my MANY deer pals on the land! “Grain? Do you have grain?” she asks.

PS: If you long to be part of a community that won’t waste your creative time with confusing teachings and support, become a paid subscriber today.

Subscribe to Flight School with Jennifer Lauck

Jennifer puts the wind under your writerly wings. Exceptional leadership. Understandable lessons.


International bestselling author & creative writing teacher